Rep. Rick Allen Praises House Passage of Bill to Stop Administration’s Flawed WOTUS Rule

U.S. Congressman Rick Allen (R-Ga.-12) today applauded passage of The Regulatory Integrity Protection Act (H.R. 1732) in the House.  Allen is a cosponsor of the legislation, which would prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers’ proposed “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule from taking effect. If finalized, the WOTUS rule would significantly expand the federal government’s authority to regulate state and local waters.

“The Administration’s flawed WOTUS rule would give the federal government regulatory authority over virtually any place where water flows in the United States. If not stopped, this federal overreach will undermine the rights of states, local governments and landowners, while creating costly bureaucratic red tape that hurts economic growth and jobs. The Regulatory Integrity Protection Act stops this expansion of federal authority and requires a new rule to be proposed in consultation with states, local officials and stakeholders.  I am pleased the House acted to pass this important legislation and protect the role of states and citizens in managing their water resources.”

Earlier today, Congressman Allen spoke on the House floor to stress the consequences of the WOTUS rule, including its negative impacts on the agriculture and business communities. To watch his remarks click HERE.

The Regulatory Integrity Protection Act allows the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers 30 days to withdraw its proposed WOTUS rule.  The legislation also directs the agencies to create a revised rule under a more transparent process that includes input from states, local officials and affected stakeholders. 

WOTUS Background:

In April 2014, the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers proposed a rule redefining “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act (CWA). The rule would significantly broaden the definition to extend the federal government’s regulatory authority over nearly all bodies of water, including creeks, streams, and groundwater as well as drainage ditches, irrigation pipes and farmland ponds. The Administration failed to properly consult state and local governments in developing its rule, which undermines the federal-state partnership Congress intended to establish under the Clean Water Act.

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