Mary from Martinez asked about rising gas prices.
Congressman Allen: "There is no reason we should be paying this much money for gas. Just a year ago, we were energy independent and gas was at the lowest price in [probably] five years. As you know Joe Biden promised a war on fossil fuels... This is ridiculous, again this administration is begging Saudi Arabia to send us more oil to try to reduce the cost of gasoline, and that is ridiculous when we have the potential [here]. If the administration would remove the regulatory burden from our oil producing industries, and allow the financial institutions to actually loan them money so they have a capital to do this, fracking would [once again] make us energy independent and one of the most powerful countries in the world.
“And it won’t just be at the gas pump. Natural gas has doubled in price and we have the largest natural gas reserves in the world but because of these policies and this regulatory environment, we cannot get it out of the ground and refine it. And [democrats] have cut off all of our ability to do that. They are trying to force us on this Green New Deal, and I have no problem with sustainable energy, but it should be privately-focused. The one-size-fits-all, top- down government policies do not work and it has destroyed our energy industry.”