A Big, Beautiful Christmas Present for America

Just days before Christmas, President Donald J. Trump has kept his promise to the American people to deliver comprehensive tax reform. Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) released the following statement after President Trump signed H.R. 1, comprehensive tax reform, into law:

"Promises made, promises kept - this has been the cornerstone of President Trump's first year in office. Together, we have kept our promise to the American people to deliver the first major tax reform legislation in more than 31 years. Since this legislation passed the Senate and the House earlier in the week, numerous American companies have announced rising minimum wages and bonuses for their employees - great news for individuals and businesses across the nation."

"I hope everyone in Georgia-12 can sleep a little better tonight, knowing that they will soon see more money in their pockets, and a flourishing American economy. This is a truly historic day and in the words of President Trump, we have delivered 'a big, beautiful Christmas present' for America."


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