MEDIA ADVISORY: Rep. Rick Allen Hosts Georgia Free File Event

U.S. Congressman Rick Allen (R-Ga.-12) announced he will be hosting a Free File Public briefing on Friday, March 2, 2018 at 10:00am at the Columbia County LibraryThe purpose of this briefing is to highlight the federal and Georgia Free File programs that provide free state income tax preparation and e-filing services to lower and moderate income taxpayers.

Congressman Allen stated, “Free File is a great example of how government, the private sector and community groups can work together to provide an important service to the people.  I look forward to hosting this briefing to highlight the program and assist lower and moderate income taxpayers in filing their taxes.”


 Georgia Free File Public Briefing


 Friday, March 2, 2018
10:00 am




 Columbia County Library
 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd.
 Evans, GA 30809

 Christopher Wesolowski or (810) 305-1433



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