Rep. Rick Allen to Host Georgia Free File Event

U.S. Congressman Rick W. Allen (R-Ga-12) announced today that he will be hosting a public briefing on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. to highlight the federal and Georgia Free File programs that provide free state income tax preparation and e-filing services to lower and moderate income taxpayers.

“Free File is a great example of how government, the private sector and community groups can work together to provide an important service to the people,” said Congressman Allen.  “Filing your taxes can sometimes be a burdensome task, but I am pleased to be able to offer this opportunity for Georgia taxpayers to learn more about how they can file their federal and state taxes online and in person for free. I look forward to hosting this briefing to highlight this essential program and assist lower and moderate income taxpayers in filing their taxes.”

WHAT:    Georgia Free File Public Briefing

WHEN:    Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.

WHERE:  Augusta-Richmond County, Main Library
                 823 Telfair Street
                 Augusta, GA 30901

RSVP:     Media can contact Carlton Norwood Jr. 
       or (202) 225-2823

For additional information to share, please CLICK HERE.


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