Rep. Allen: Congress Must Uphold Promise To Our Nation's Seniors

Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) spoke during debate on the House floor in support of reauthorizing the Older Americans Act, which expired on September 30, 2019. The House of Representatives passed this legislation with unanimous, bipartisan support. Congressman Allen’s remarks can be found below.

Fifty-four years ago, our country made a commitment to older Americans and their families.

In 1965, the Older Americans Act was enacted to support a wide range of services and programs for individuals over the age of 60.

By passing this legislation, Congress made a promise to help provide compassionate care to our nation’s most vulnerable adults who are sometimes exploited, abused or neglected.

This legislation is vital to Georgia’s seniors, and it supports many important community-based services like nutrition programs at churches and family caregiver support.

I’ve seen the benefits of these programs firsthand, as I’ve had several opportunities to deliver Meals on Wheels to those who are unable to grocery shop or prepare a warm meal for themselves.

What a privilege as a member of Congress to visit with these older adults and talk to them about their contributions to this country as we deliver these meals.

This legislation upholds the dignity of those who are aging, and has received bipartisan support for more than 50 years.

Today should be no different, as we have a responsibility to uphold the promise that was made to support our nation’s seniors.

I urge my colleagues to once again reauthorize the Older Americans Act.


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