Rep. Allen: Pelosi's Partisan Wish List Exploits Coronavirus Crisis

U.S. Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) today released the following statement after opposing Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Socialist Wish List Act:

“It’s become clear why Speaker Pelosi has refused to call the House back in session to negotiate a next phase of coronavirus legislation; she wants to exploit the COVID-19 crisis and use it as an opportunity to fund Democrats’ socialist agenda.

“This 1,800-page bill would cost Americans $3 trillion and is nothing more than a partisan wish list. Pelosi crafted the bill behind closed doors without bipartisan input so she could stuff the bill with wasteful spending that is completely unrelated to COVID-19. Congress must address the real issues surrounding the pandemic, and it is egregious that the Speaker would use this crisis as an attempt to appease her base.”

Speaker Pelosi’s partisan wish list includes:

  • Anti-Work Provisions:
    • Makes economic recovery more difficult by making it more profitable for individuals not to work
  • Prisoner Release:
    • Provides get-out-of-jail free cards for certain prisoners
  • Incentives For Illegal Immigration:
    • Awards federal funding to sanctuary cities
    • Requires review of those detained by ICE so certain illegal immigrants can be released
    • Prevents the deportation of illegal immigrants
    • Authorizes illegal immigrants to work during this crisis
    • Allows illegal immigrants to collect Economic Impact Payments
  • Wasteful Spending:
    • Provides funding to matters unrelated to combating COVID-19
  • Wholesale Election Law Changes:
    • Federalizes the entire election process and takes power away from the states
    • Calls for mailed absentee ballots to be sent to every voter permanently
    • Permits same day voter registration nationwide which would lengthen voting lines
    • Codifies ballot harvesting
    • Enacts national vote by mail
    • Prevents states from having voter ID requirements

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