Rep. Allen Stands With Israel

Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) spoke on the House floor expressing strong support for Israel’s right to defend herself from attacks by Hamas terrorists. Congressman Allen’s remarks can be found below.

Pro Israel

I rise today to express my strong support for our vital ally, Israel.

The recent rocket attacks launched by Hamas terrorists against innocent Israelis must be unequivocally condemned, and our support for Israel’s right to defend herself must be crystal clear.

Between President Biden’s weak leadership and anti-Semitic comments made by members of this very body, terrorist organizations like Hamas feel that they can get away with attacking our ally – they have emboldened them.

The world is watching, and there is no room for silence or appeasement of terrorists – Congress and the Biden Administration must immediately reaffirm America’s longstanding commitment to Israel, and offer any and all support.

Mr. President, wake up!

There is only one democracy in the Middle East, and we must stand with Israel.


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