PHOTOS: Rep. Allen Challenges Biden's Workplace Vaccine Mandate

Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) today participated in a press conference to highlight how Biden’s workplace vaccine mandate will hurt America’s workers, businesses and economy. Yesterday he joined over 200 Republican Senators and House members in filing a Congressional Review Act resolution to block the mandate from taking effect. A copy of his remarks can be found below.

11.18.21 Press Conference Close Up


11.18.21 Press Conference Wide


11.18.21 Press Conference Zoomed

Thank you Representative Keller for leading this effort and for having me here today to help serve as a voice for the over 80 million American workers who will be impacted by Biden’s unprecedented – and likely unconstitutional – vaccine mandate on private workplaces.


We’re here today to fight for the employees and employers who have been eager to return to work after months of forced lockdowns and pandemic-related closures.


And for the families whose wallets are feeling the impacts of rising prices and surging inflation as they work to put a meal on their kitchen table.


But because of Biden’s workplace vaccine mandate – they are weighing a decision that no one should ever have to make: lose your job or fall in line with what the government tells you.


And what happens if businesses don’t comply?


Employers will get slapped with fines as much $14,000 per violation.

The Biden Administration should be ashamed – every American has the right to earn a living!


This isn’t about public safety – we’ve seen goalposts continue to move over the past 20 months – it’s about more government control.


As litigation over this rule continues in the courts, I’m glad to see that OSHA has temporarily suspended its implementation and planned enforcement.


But we must also fight this legislatively.


That’s why I’m proud to join all 50 Republican Senators and over 160 House members in using our authority under the Congressional Review Act to block this rule from taking effect.


We must fight for America’s workers, businesses and economy by ensuring this mandate never sees the light of day.

Additionally, Rep. Allen delivered remarks on the House floor last night opposing this government overreach.

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