Reps. Allen, Loudermilk Lead Letter to GA Dept. of Education on Woke School Curriculium

Washington - Today, Congressmen Rick W. Allen (GA-12) and Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) led Georgia's Republican Congressional Delegation in sending a letter to State School Superintendent Richard Woods, voicing their concerns over the use of politically-motivated lesson plans in one of Georgia's largest public school systems.


In the letter, the members describe how Atlanta Public Schools utilized lesson plans created by the New Georgia Project and Rock the Vote to "improperly influence high school students to oppose Georgia's election law and voter identification as a whole."


Some 2,450 high school students are estimated to have participated in Atlanta Public Schools' "Democracy Class Atlanta" program, which urges students to specifically volunteer with the New Georgia Project, spearheaded by Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, to advance the group's political aims.


"Students should graduate from our K-12 schools with the tangible skills to earn a living, manage their household, and be an active member in civic society," the members wrote." They deserve to learn multiple viewpoints and have the opportunity to form their own opinions, free from political indoctrination."


"As you continue to engage Georgia's students, parents, and educators, we respectfully request that the Georgia Department of Education stand in strong support of preventing one-sided, partisan activities from invading the classroom," the members continued.


You can read the full letter to Superintendent Woods here.



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