Allen Acts to Rein in Regulatory Overreach

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, the House passed H.R. 26, the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act. The REINS Act curbs major regulations from executive agencies and restores congressional accountability to the regulatory process. Rep. Rick Allen (R-Ga-12) released the following statement in support:

“Under the Obama Administration, federal agencies have become the fourth branch of government. These unelected bureaucrats have been doling out new rules and regulations like candy, creating a mountain of red tape, stifling growth, weighing down our economy and holding back job creation and opportunity. The REINS Act brings much-needed common sense and accountability back to the regulatory process. As a former small business owner for over 40 years, I know firsthand how federal overregulation burdens our nation’s job creators across America and back home in Georgia-12, which is why I was proud to vote in favor of this legislation and continue fighting against costly and ill-advised regulations from Washington.”



Since 2009, the estimated cumulative costs of regulations have reached almost $2 trillion. The REINS Act would limit unnecessary major regulations from executive agencies by requiring new rules with an impact of $100 million or more to be submitted to Congress for approval. Congress must take action on proposed regulations within 70 legislative days with an up-or-down vote in both the House and the Senate. Congressman Allen was a cosponsor of the REINS Act in the 114th Congress.



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