ICYMI: Congressman Allen Hosts Telephone Town Hall

In case you missed it, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) held a telephone town hall earlier this week to answer questions from residents across Georgia’s 12th District. Nearly 2,500 constituents joined Monday’s call where Congressman Allen provided updates on numerous pieces of legislation that will protect America’s retirees and savers, unleash America’s nuclear energy capabilities, ensure only Americans can vote in American elections, improve the quality of life for our servicemembers, and much more.

For those unable to participate in the call, here are some of the highlights:

Stephen from Brooklet asked about the recent assassination attempt on President Donald Trump:

Congressman Allen: "We are voting this week on a commission...to investigate fully what happened there in Pennsylvania. [Secret Service Director Cheatle] testified in front of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee and really just gave us no answers. In fact, I was shocked that she has not even been to the site to see for herself the shortsightedness of the people involved there. But I’ll tell you this, we won’t stop until we get to the bottom of what happened..."

Martin from Columbia County asked if Congressman Allen supported calls for Secret Service Director Cheatle to resign:

Congressman Allen: "Yes sir, 100 percent."

NOTE: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle announced her resignation on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, following growing calls from Republicans and Democrats for her to do so. Additionally, the House of Representatives unanimously passed H. Res. 1367 this week, which establishes a bipartisan task force to conduct a full investigation into the attempted assassination of President Trump.

Brandon from Waynesboro asked about further expanding Plant Vogtle's nuclear capabilities:

Congressman Allen: "My legislation to revise and streamline the application process has been signed into law...We have got the capability of doing it, and now we know how to do it. This was the first time in thirty years we have built [new nuclear reactors]...Southern Company persevered through it and I want to thank you for your help on it, but there is no reason we shouldn’t build [nuclear reactors] 5 and 6. We have the expertise and the people...we need to get the job done. And I thank you for that question."

NOTE: On July 9, 2024 Congressman Allen's Nuclear Licensing Efficiency Act was signed into law. Rep. Allen introduced the legislation last year, which was then included in a bipartisan nuclear energy package that was signed into law as a part of a larger legislative vehicle.

Charles from Dublin asked about ongoing issues with the United States Postal Service:

Congressman Allen: "I’m aware of the problem...It’s disrupted the whole system. In fact, our Georgia delegation has taken action to resolve the issue and just to give you a couple details on it, on December 13th, I joined members of the Georgia delegation in sending a letter to the U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy expressing the various issues with mail services in affecting our constituents. On January 31st, we received a response from the United States Postal Service addressing some of our concerns. However, we’ve seen very little change and my district office is continuing to hear complaints as we are hearing on the call tonight. I sent a follow-up letter with the rest of the Georgia Republican delegation to the Postmaster General, demanding answers regarding the USPS delays in Georgia and expressing concerns on certain mail-in ballots as elections approach. Additionally, I have had multiple calls with the USPS demanding that they resolve these issues. USPS assured me that they are working around the clock to get the issue resolved...If you’ve had an issue, please contact my Augusta district office."

Donald from Augusta asked about foreign countries owning U.S. land:

Congressman Allen: "I’m a cosponsor of the No American Land for Communist China Act, which was introduced by my colleague, Congressman Newhouse. This bill would prohibit any agent of the CCP or any business under the control of the CCP from purchasing any land adjacent to federal land in the United States...You might also be interested to know that included in our fiscal year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act was a provision tasking the Department of Defense to publish a list of Chinese military companies operating directly or indirectly in the United States. That’s an update on what we are doing in regard to the ownership of property. Thank you for that question."

NOTE: On June 14, 2024, the House passed H.R. 8070the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 (NDAA) with Congressman Allen's support.

If you’d like to participate in future Telephone Town Halls, please sign-up HERE.

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