Allen Resolution to Overturn Biden's Harmful PM 2.5 Standards Advanced by Committee

Yesterday, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce advanced H.J. Res. 117,  Congressman Rick W. Allen's (GA-12) Congressional Review Act Joint Resolution of Disapproval to nullify the Biden Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) final rule for Fine Particulate Matter, otherwise known as PM 2.5 standards. 

Before voting yesterday to advance H.J. Res. 117, Congressman Allen delivered the following remarks as prepared for delivery:

"Madam Chair, I move to strike the last word to speak in favor of H.J. Res. 117, my Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to nullify the finalized PM 2.5 standards by the Environmental Protection Agency.

"I would like to reference a letter from the National Association of Manufacturers in support of this CRA. The final rule lowers the standard for fine particulate matter from 12.0 micrograms per cubic meter to 9 micrograms per cubic meter. 

"The last review was completed in 2020 where the EPA decided to retain the PM 2.5 standard at 12 micrograms per cubic meter. Instead of following the five-year requirement, the Biden EPA decided in 2021 to prematurely reconsider the standard and finalize a rule this year to drastically lower it.

"This new standard is set so low that it nearly matches the background levels in many states and localities. This is a major problem as states will have a difficult time providing permits for the construction of new facilities or for the expansion of existing facilities.

"This rule would have disastrous impacts on the economy and manufacturing nationwide. With over forty years of experience starting and operating my own construction business, I am all too familiar with heavy-handed, top-down regulations. These often place unnecessary compliance and implementation burdens on states and the business community.

"It is critical that we protect our environment and public health, and we are already doing that with the PM 2.5 standard set at 12. According to EPA’s trend report, annual levels of PM 2.5 have fallen 29 percent between 2000 and 2021.

"All this finalized rule does is push manufacturing and economic development projects out of the United States and deprive economic opportunity for the people who need it most.

"I urge my colleagues to vote yes on my CRA. Thank you, and I yield back."

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