Our Nation Can and Must Protect the Most Vulnerable Among Us

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act today. This legislation will protect unborn children from abortion at 20 weeks, when it is scientifically proven that unborn babies feel pain. Congressman Rick W. Allen (R-GA-12) cosponsored this legislation, and spoke in support of the bill on the House Floor:

“I rise today to urge my colleagues to support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. We have a responsibility to defend the most vulnerable in our nation and that’s exactly what this legislation does. It protects unborn children from abortion at five months.

“It is truly disheartening that I have to beg many of my colleagues to support a bill like this, when it is scientifically proven that unborn babies feel pain after five months. Premature infants in the NICU are protected from pain - Children in the womb should be protected from pain also. I will always fight for the right to life and I believe we have a responsibility to defend all innocent lives.

“In fact, this hits close to home. I have four children, one son and three daughters – and I have had to see my wife and each one of my daughters suffer through difficult pregnancies and make difficult choices.  I can’t imagine life without any one of my twelve beautiful grandchildren – every child should be given a chance at life. 

“New life is created by God and we must give a voice to these precious babies who cannot speak for themselves. Our nation can and must protect the most vulnerable among us.”


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