Celebrating "March into Literacy Month"
Washington-Wilkes Primary School
Lincoln County Elementary School
Lamar-Milledge Elementary School in Richmond County
Last month, I was honored to introduce a resolution recognizing the month of March 2025 as "National March into Literacy Month." I've been incredibly motivated by a statistic that shows children who are not proficient readers by the third grade are four times less likely to graduate high school on time. That is why we must intervene early to instill a love of reading.
This week, in recognition of "National March into Literacy Month," I visited several schools in Wilkes, Lincoln, and Richmond counties to read with students and shine a light on the importance of childhood literacy. As a grandfather of 14 and proud member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, I am passionate about helping the next generation develop the skills necessary to achieve their dreams. I will continue working to advance policies and initiatives that will prepare our nation's students for a successful future.
Visiting Golden Harvest Food Bank in Augusta
I also had the opportunity to tour Golden Harvest Food Bank where I learned more about their tireless efforts to provide nutritious meals to those in need and how local, state, and national partners can work together to improve our communities.
During my visit, I was able to see the new, state-of-the-art Produce Rescue Center, which was completed last summer. When Hurricane Helene hit, the additional space allowed Golden Harvest to respond swiftly and distribute over 2.4 million meals in October 2024 alone. Golden Harvest is truly changing lives in the 12th District!
Meeting with the Lincoln County Sheriff
While in Lincoln County, I also met with Sheriff Clay Smith to hear more about the needs of our local law enforcement officers. I will always support the men and women in uniform who dedicate their lives everyday to keeping our communities safe.
Honoring Harlem High School Baseball Coach Jimmie Lewis
It was an honor to attend the renaming ceremony for Harlem High School's baseball field after legendary Coach Jimmie Lewis. Coach Lewis has been the dedicated leader of the Harlem High School baseball program for decades, securing eight state titles and over nine hundred impressive wins – the 3rd highest in Georgia High School Association history. This is no small feat, and I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this honor.
Jimmie Lewis is far more than a coach. He is a family man, a role model, a teacher, and a molder of men who has devoted his life to ensuring young students learn the skills and lessons necessary to be successful not only on the baseball field, but in life. Congratulations, Coach!
This Week's White House Highlight
REMINDER: With President Trump back in the White House, we are excited to add a new feature to the newsletter! Each week, I will highlight an executive action, announcement, rulemaking, bill signing, or any other activity from the Trump Administration to keep you well-informed on what's happening in Washington.
I know an issue that weighs heavily on the minds of American families is the cost of living. I am pleased to report that President Trump is fulfilling his promise to lower prices at the pump and the grocery store.
Egg prices have declined by nearly 50%, with a price decrease of $3.10 per dozen since January 21st. On that day, the average price for a dozen eggs was $6.55. On March 17, 2025, the average price for a dozen eggs was $3.45.
Additionally, the average cost for a gallon of gas has declined for four straight weeks, with the majority of states seeing prices below $3 per gallon. At this point in Joe Biden’s presidency, gas prices had already jumped up 49 cents. In Georgia, the average price for a gallon of gas today is $2.89. One year ago it was $3.36. The record high in Georgia is $4.50/gallon, which was hit during Joe Biden's presidency.
Last Week's Committee Activity
Education and Workforce Committee
Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Hearing
"Education Without Limits: Exploring the Benefits of School Choice"
God created every child to be unique, and the best school for one child may not be the best school for another. Parents know their children best and should have the right to choose the best educational path for their future success. Educational quality should not be determined by zip code. During this hearing, we discussed how choice in all its forms – private school, homeschooling, traditional public schools, charter schools, magnet schools, and others – can help parents match educational options to their child’s unique needs, leading to brighter futures.
Watch my remarks by clicking here or the image above.
Visiting Washington, D.C.?
I always enjoy welcoming families from the 12th District to my office in Washington. If you are visiting the Capitol in the near future, please do not hesitate to stop by or reach out to my office for help scheduling tours of popular D.C. attractions!
If you'd like to schedule tours through my office, visit my website HERE.
2025 Congressional Art Competition
I recently announced that my office is now accepting submissions for the 2025 Congressional Art Competition!
Every year, Members of the U.S. House of Representatives sponsor a nationwide high school art competition. This contest is open to all high school students (9th – 12th grade) in Georgia’s 12th District. The winning piece will be displayed for one year in the U.S. Capitol, and its student artist will receive an invitation to travel to Washington, D.C. to attend the national winners’ reception.
I look forward to seeing this year's submissions from our young artists in Georgia’s 12th District. Read more HERE.
As always, it was great to meet with several groups this week to talk about the issues that matter most to them.
Those pictured include representatives from: - Georgia Department of Community Health
- Georgia Department of Community Affairs
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
Follow me on Social Media!
Social media is a great way to stay connected and I encourage you to keep up with my work in Congress by ‘liking’ my Facebook page and following me on X, formerly known as Twitter, and Instagram.
As always, my office is here to help. If you'd like to email me, please click here.
To contact one of our district offices, please click here.
To stay informed about what is happening in Washington D.C. and in our district, please follow me on Facebook, X, and Instagram.

Rick Allen Member of Congress