House Passes Bill Funding Georgia-12 Priorities

Bill Heads to President's Desk to be Signed Into Law

WASHINGTON – U.S. Congressman Rick W. Allen (R-Ga-12) released the following statement today after the House of Representatives passed the conference report to H.R. 5895, an essential spending package for Fiscal Year 2019 that funds portions of the government, including Energy and Water Development, the Legislative Branch, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs. This bill will now head to the President’s desk to be signed into law.

“Since being elected to Congress, I have long advocated for getting our broken appropriations process back to regular order, and with today’s passage of three essential funding bills, we have taken a step in the right direction of fulfilling our constitutional obligation,” said Congressman Allen. This legislation funds critical missions here in the 12th District and surrounding counties, including the work being done at Savannah River Site, deepening the Port of Savannah, and $99 million for a Cyber Instructional Facility and Network Center at Fort Gordon, furthering the transition of U.S. Army Cyber Command to Georgia. I will continue to do my part at the federal level to safeguard funds for the many priorities of our area.” 

The conference report to H.R. 5895 passed by a vote of 377-20 in the House of Representatives and does the following:

  • Appropriates $99 million for a Cyber Instructional Facility and Network Center at Fort Gordon, as authorized in the FY19 NDAA which was signed into law by President Trump
  • Funds critical missions at Savannah River Site
  • Provides $86.5 billion for VA programs including VA medical care, processing disability claims, VA construction, and the new VA electronic health record system
  • Provides significant funding for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project


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