Supreme Court Strikes Down President Biden's Student Loan Bailout

Today, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) struck down President Biden’s massive student loan transfer scheme – ruling that the President exceeded his authority in unveiling a plan to forgive federal student loan debt. Following the ruling, Congressman Allen issued the statement below:

“My Republican colleagues and I have been sounding the alarm on President Biden’s reckless student loan bailout since the plan was announced. Today’s ruling from the Supreme Court ensures the constituents of Georgia-12 won’t be stuck paying the bill for those who knowingly take out loans. As I’ve said before, attempting to force hardworking taxpayers to pick up the tab for student loans they didn’t borrow is simply unconstitutional, and would have aggressively driven up the cost of higher education. President Biden should acknowledge that he overstepped his executive authority and immediately vacate this plan.”

BACKGROUND: On May 24, 2023, the House of Representatives passed H. J. Res. 45 with Congressman Allen’s support, a bipartisan resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act which would have blocked President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan. On June 7, 2023, President Biden went against the will of the American people and vetoed H. J. Res. 45.

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