Rep. Allen Opposes Democrats' Unconstitutional Gun Grab

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Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) today released the following statement after opposing both H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446 in the House, two Democrat bills that would infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans: “Federal firearm laws are already very strong in ensuring prohibited persons do not purchase firearms, but criminals don’t abide by the law. Studies show mass…

Rep. Allen Opposes Democrats' $1.9 Trillion Spending Bill

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Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) today released the following statement after voting against the Senate Amendment to H.R. 1319, Pelosi's Payoff to Progressives COVID "relief" legislation: “This is not a COVID-19 ‘relief’ package; it’s a progressive spending bill that directs 91 percent of the nearly $2 trillion to unrelated Democrat priorities. It’s the most liberal piece of…

Rep. Allen Opposes PRO Union Bosses Act, Stands With Workers

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Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12), Lead Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee’s Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Subcommittee, today released the following statement after opposing H.R. 842, Democrats’ PRO Union Bosses Act: “No worker should be forced to participate in union activity or pay for representation they do not agree with as a condition of…

Rep. Allen Statement on Democrats' For The Politicians Act

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Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) today released the following statement after opposing H.R. 1, Democrats’ For The Politicians Act, which passed the House last night on a party-line vote: “I’ve witnessed my Democrat colleagues attempt a lot of power grabs since being in the Majority, but H.R. 1 is by far the most extreme. This bill will federalize elections, despite the Constitution…

Rep. Allen Opposes Pelosi's Payoff to Progressives

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Today, Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) spoke on the House floor in opposition to H.R. 1319, Pelosi's Payoff to Progressives COVID "relief" legislation. This $1.9 trillion package devotes only 9 percent toward actual COVID relief while advancing a number of unrelated Democrat priorities. The House is expected to vote on the package tonight. …

Rep. Allen Reintroduces Bill to Encourage School Reopening

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Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12), a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, today reintroduced the Educational Flexibility for Families Act, legislation that requires K-12 schools to provide an option for students to safely attend in-person classes during the 2021 and 2022 school years in order to be eligible for additional federal…

Rep. Allen Introduces Legislation to Improve H-2A Visa Program

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Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12), a member of the House Agriculture Committee, this week introduced the Better Agriculture Resources Now (BARN) Act, legislation to reform and strengthen the H-2A visa program that allows agriculture employers to hire workers for temporary labor. "American farmers rely on the H-2A program to hire temporary workers during critical planting and harvesting…

Rep. Allen Statement on CDC School Reopening Guidance

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Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12), a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, today released the following statement after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued additional school reopening guidance: “As I’ve been saying for months, schools can and should safely reopen with proper precautions – and today’s additional guidance from the CDC confirms this…

Allen, Owens Reintroduce the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act

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WASHINGTON -Reps. Rick Allen (GA-12) and Burgess Owens (UT-04) last week introduced the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act. The bill expands quality elementary, secondary, and career and technical education opportunities for students by providing a federal tax credit to encourage individuals and businesses to donate to…

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